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The Sky Is Crying Baseball T-Shirt 

Regular Price: 
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Size Width
(Laid Flat)
XS 16.13" 25.13"
S 17.63" 27.5"
M 19.63" 28.5"
L 21.63" 29.5"
XL 22.63" 30.5"
2XL 25.63" 31.5"
* Sizing runs slightly tight on baseball raglans. If you're close to or between sizes, consider the larger size. Refer to the size chart (in inches) below for best results. We can exchange sizing if you have trouble. 

This is a Bluescentric Brand baseball tee, available in comfortable sizes up to 2XL. The material is lightweight 4oz 91/9 poly/ringspun cotton with 3/4 length sleeves. 

Bluescentric Exclusive! 

This design features the original Fire Records vinyl record label for Elmore James' influential 1960 guitar-driven song "The Sky Is Crying". Elmore's name is shortened or misspelled as "Elmo" on the byline. The art is taken directly from the original vinyl pressing, and not altered in any way.  

The B Side of this release was James' song "Held My Baby Last Night".